The Steelers are 2-0 so far in the preseason. Even though they have been winning they still have been struggling at a few positions. Three big ones that stand out are Left Guard, Inside Linebacker, and Outside Linebacker depth.
Left Guard is the biggest need for the team right now. Kevin Dotson and Kendrick Green have not been living up to their expectations. We do have John LeGlue who has been a good player when needed, but he isn’t a proven starter.
Myles Jack is looking to be one of the star free agent finds for former GM Kevin Cobert. But behind him the others are not living up to the standard. Rookie LB Mark Robinson is showing flashes, but he is still learning the position since this is his second season as Linebacker.
The depth at Outside Lineback has improved from the Seahawks game, but there is still work that needs to be done either in practice with James Vaughters and Ron’Dell Carter. Or is it time to turn to the free agent pool to see if we can bring a proven player in.
With the Steelers Regular season starting in a few weeks. I thought it would be good to take a look at are upcoming Unrestricted Free Agents.
Right now, we have Nineteen players that will be unrestricted free agents. Among them are Terrell Edmonds, Cameron Sutton, Chris Wormley, Zach Gentry, and Derek Watt.